We have been delivering Honeyaid® filling machines from our small boutique manufacturing company in Dresden to (almost) all countries worldwide. That means beekeepers on all continents are dosing their valuable honey with our flexible filling technology. There are many YouTube videos on using (and even unboxing) our honey bottling machine.

Here are some of them:

Sager Family Farm, Kalifornien, USA:

Bohemia Apiary, Maryland, USA:

Medmoravia, Czech Republic:

Allt om Biodling, Sweden:

Natha Miel, France:

Imkerei zum Bienenvolk, Switzerland:

Our Honeyaid® distributor network

Our Honeyaid® distributors work worldwide for your best service – in Australia, Canada, South America, Europe, South Korea, and the USA. About 100 sales partners support you personally and also give you professional advice on our two Honeyaid® turntables, as well as for the purchase of the appropriate spare parts.

Please find our map here.